Nimbly API Documentation (1.0.0)

Welcome to the API documentation for Nimbly Technologies. Our mission is to make your integration experience seamless and efficient. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just getting started, this documentation is your gateway to understanding and leveraging the full potential of Nimbly's API. Dive in to explore endpoints, authentication methods, data formats, and everything you need to successfully integrate with our services.


To access our Nimbly API, you need to authenticate using a secret token as an API key. API keys are a simple and secure way to identify your application when making requests to our API.

Obtaining the API Key

To obtain API keys for authentication, please reach out to our team. Once your request for API keys has been approved, we will securely send them to you via email, ensuring that you have the necessary credentials to access our API.

Your API keys are sensitive credentials. Avoid sharing them publicly to maintain the confidentiality of your data and the security of your API resources.

Using the API Key

For authenticating your API requests, include your API key in the request headers as shown below:

GET /reports
x-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY			

Replace YOUR_API_KEY with the actual API key you received from our team.

This x-api-key header is used to allow the server to identify and authorize your organization account. Please note that any API call made without including the 'x-api-key' header will result in a failed request.

Rate Limits

Our Nimbly API use rate limiter to ensure equitable access to our API resources while maintaining system stability. This document outlines our rate limiting policies, how to handle rate limit errors, and tips for optimizing your API usage within these limits.

Rate Limiting Policy

Our rate limiter enforces the following rate limiting policy:

  • Rate Limit: You can make up to 3 requests per second (RPS) to our API per API key.

Error Response

When you exceed the rate limit, our API will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code. This indicates that you have reached the maximum allowed request rate. The response will include additional information in the headers for your reference:

  • X-RateLimit-Limit: The total number of requests allowed per second.
  • X-RateLimit-Remaining: The number of requests remaining in the current rate-limiting window.

Here's an example of a rate-limited response:

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests
Content-Type: application/json
X-RateLimit-Limit: 3
X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0

  "message": "Limit Exceeded"


To ensure smooth API interactions and avoid rate-limiting errors:

  • Implement Backoff: If you receive a 429 error, implement a backoff mechanism in your code to retry the request after a delay.
  • Monitor Headers: Pay attention to the X-RateLimit-Limit and X-RateLimit-Remaining headers in the response to track your rate limit usage.
  • Cache Data: Consider caching data locally to reduce the number of API requests when possible.
  • Contact Support: If you consistently encounter rate-limiting issues, please contact our support team for assistance or to discuss rate limit adjustments.

By following these guidelines, you can work effectively within our rate limits and ensure a smooth experience while using the Nimbly API.

Postman Collections

Simplify your API interaction with our Exported Postman Collections. This collection contains a curated set of API endpoints and request examples that will accelerate your development and integration processes.

How to Get Started

Simply follow these steps to start interact with our Nimbly API

  • Download Postman if you haven't already.
  • Download our Exported Postman Collection (by Right-click the link and choose "Save link as…") and import it into your Postman workspace.
  • Begin exploring our API by making requests, testing responses, and integrating the functionality into your applications.


Nimbly API for issue's related usecase. Issues are generated based on your report's answer. One example for this usecase is to get list of all issues created within your organization.

List All Issues

Returns list of your issue's data. The returned data will be based on the query, using pagination format.

API Keys
query Parameters
string (optional)
Example: site_name=Store A

Multiple Example: site_name=siteA&site_name=siteB

Filter based on the site name. Multiple site name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: created_dept=Department A

Multiple Example: created_dept=deptA&created_dept=deptB

Filter based on the reporter department name. Multiple reporter department name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: assigned_dept=Department A

Multiple Example: assigned_dept=deptA&assigned_dept=deptB

Filter based on the assigned department name. Multiple assigned department name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: qnr_name=FnB - Coffee Shop

Multiple Example: qnr_name=qnrA&qnr_name=qnrB

Filter based on the questionnaire name. Multiple questionnaire name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: title=Food items stored properly

Multiple Example: title=titleA&title=titleB

Filter based on the issue's title. Multiple issue's title query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: category_name=Food/Beverage Safety

Multiple Example: category_name=catA&category_name=catB

Filter based on the issue's category name. Multiple category name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: created_by=Auditor A

Multiple Example: created_by=userA&created_by=userB

Filter based on the issue's creator name. Multiple issue's creator name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: assigned_to=Auditor A

Multiple Example: assigned_to=userA&assigned_to=userB

Filter based on the issue's assignee name. Multiple issue's assignee name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: member=Auditor A

Multiple Example: member=userA&member=userB

Filter based on the issue's member name. Multiple issue's member name query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "open" "resolved" "expired" "blocked" "in-review" "in-progress"
Example: status=open

Multiple Example: status=open&status=resolved

Filter based on the issue's status. Multiple issue's status query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "red" "yellow"
Example: severity=yellow

Multiple Example: severity=red&severity=yellow

Filter based on the issue's severity. Multiple issue's severity query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "low" "medium" "high"
Example: priority=medium

Multiple Example: priority=medium&priority=high

Filter based on the issue's priority. Multiple issue's priority query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "report" "report-adhoc" "report-scheduled" "manual-addition" "customer-feedback"
Example: origin=report-scheduled

Multiple Example: origin=report-adhoc&origin=report-scheduled

Filter based on the issue's origin. Multiple issue's origin query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "created_date" "resolved_date" "due_date"
Example: date_filter_type=created_date

An enum that indicates the date type filter. It will affect on how start_date and end_date should be based on.

  • created_date - filter will be based on when the issue is created
  • resolved_date - filter will be based on when the issue is resolved
  • due_date - filter will be based on when the issue is due
string (optional) <date>
Example: start_date=2023-10-23

String with format of YYYY-MM-DD as a start date filter on the requested issue. The meaning behind will follow the value from date_filter_type.

string (optional) <date>
Example: end_date=2023-11-23

String with format of YYYY-MM-DD as an end date filter on the requested issue. The meaning behind will follow the value from date_filter_type.

string (optional)
Enum: "created_date" "resolved_date" "due_date"
Example: sort_by=created_date

An enum that indicates the date where sorting is based on.

  • created_date - sort will be based on when the issue is created
  • resolved_date - sort will be based on when the issue is resolved
  • due_date - sort will be based on when the issue is due
string (optional)
Enum: "asc" "desc"
Example: sort_type=asc

An enum that indicates the sorting type. It will affect on how sort_by should be based on.

  • asc - sort will be done in ascending rule
  • desc - sort will be done in descending rule
number (optional)
Example: limit=100

Limit number on how many data will be returned. Limit can range between 1 and 100, with default number is 100.

number (optional)

Offset number on how many data will be skipped before returning the next data. Offset can range between 0 and total sites, with default number is 0.

header Parameters
Example: 0e3aad3f7031fcc655b349e5709c93fc


Response samples

Content type
  • "message": "SUCCESS",
  • "data": {


Nimbly API for report's related usecase. Reports are generated when you do a checklist in the form of questionnaire from the nimbly app. One example for this usecase is to get list of all reports generated within your organization.

List All Reports

Returns list of your report's data. The returned data will be based on the query, using pagination format.

API Keys
query Parameters
string (optional)
Example: site_name=Store A

Multiple Example: site_name=siteA&site_name=siteB

Filter based on the site name. Multiple site name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: dept_name=Department A

Multiple Example: dept_name=deptA&dept_name=deptB

Filter based on the department name. Multiple department name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: qnr_name=FnB - Coffee Shop

Multiple Example: qnr_name=questionnaireA&qnr_name=questionnaireB

Filter based on the questionnaire name. Multiple questionnaire name query is supported.

string (optional)
Example: user_name=Auditor A

Multiple Example: qnr_name=qnrA&qnr_name=qnrB

Filter based on the user/auditor name. Multiple user name query is supported.

string (optional)
Enum: "scheduled_date" "submitted_date"
Example: date_filter_type=scheduled_date

An enum that indicates the date type filter. It will affect on how start_date and end_date should be based on.

  • scheduled_date - filter will be based on when the schedule for this report is
  • submitted_date - filter will be based on when the report is submitted
string (optional) <date>
Example: start_date=2023-10-23

String with format of YYYY-MM-DD as a start date filter on the requested report. The meaning behind will follow the value from date_filter_type.

string (optional) <date>
Example: end_date=2023-11-23

String with format of YYYY-MM-DD as a end date filter on the requested report. The meaning behind will follow the value from date_filter_type.

string (optional)
Enum: "record" "site"
Example: pagination_type=record

An enum that indicates pagination type. It will affect how data is divided using the limit and offset field. The default of this field is record

  • record - data will be paginated based on total number of report records.
  • site - data will be paginated based on total number of site.
number (optional)
Example: limit=100

Limit number on how many data will be returned. If pagination_type is site, the data will be sorted based on the site name before the pagination. Limit can range between 1 and 100, with default number is 100.

number (optional)

Offset number on how many data will be skipped before returning the next data. If pagination_type is site, the data will be sorted based on the site name before the pagination. Offset can range between 0 and total sites, with default number is 0.

header Parameters
Example: 0e3aad3f7031fcc655b349e5709c93fc


Response samples

Content type
  • "message": "SUCCESS",
  • "data": {